Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Poem: You Complete Me

Hieing the biz called life,
It just appears hunky-dory,
Suddenly realizing a cetain thing,
That something is quite pretermiting.

Having you is a dream come true,
Incomplete puzzle figured out by you,
Serenity that you alone can offer,
This world has nothing to compare.

How I anticipate to be with you,
But fate says have patience,
There's always a perfect moment,
And a purpose for everything.

Genuine compassion that you've shown,
A clue that I'm never alone,
So closing my eyes is such a way,
To see the one that truly completes me.

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Poem: Change is Life's Invariable

Life is so unpredictable,
Sometimes it glows as bright as the sun,
And often times it's like a gloomy gray sky,
Thus, change is life's invariable.

Life is really impermanent,
What you have today that seems the best,
Hereafter, it will be the least,
Thus, change is life's invariable.

Life is seasons' comparison,
Winter goes and spring comes,
Autumn approaches and summer passes-by,
Thus, change is life's invariable.

Cycle of Life---captured moments in four seasons...

A Piquant Campaign

A rally for a cause--- Anti-Smoking Campaign
Last May 29, 2010,  I happened to join the "Anti-Smoking Campaign held in Anyang University, South Korea together with our  pastors in Ansan Church, some members, and pathfinders who joined forces with the Anyang University students and church members as well. We gathered infront of the university to open the event formally. We shouted at the top of our voices---"Stop smoking, Smoking is dangerous to your health." We paraded around the university giving some tracts to the people that we met and that was done for a couple of hours. Finally, we returned to the post where we started and the program ended with a prayer.  I was grateful of the opportunity that I was able to be a part of this activity even though 'twas just a small act, I knew that there were peope who were informed about the  hazardous things that smoking can offer.

Here are the lists of unpleasant things that you can get out of smoking: 

1. It contributes to a number of cancers.  The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels.

2. This can cause heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated.

3. Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making your whole body and especially your heart work harder. Over time, your airways swell up and let less air into your lungs.

4. Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain of smoking effects on the body often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure.

5. Cigarette smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight, prematurity, spontaneous abortion, and perinatal mortality in humans, which has been referred to as the fetal tobacco syndrome.

So, why waste your precious LIFE and MONEY to a thing that is such a cancer -causer, a heart attacker, a robber (robs your health), and a killer (killing you softly and slowly).  As an adage goes, "One stick of cigarette you take is equivalent to one nail of your coffin."

God has given us the gift of life that we should take care of, a life that we should take responsible of and a life that can illuminate others because of its beauty inside and out. He cared for us so much that he wanted us not to be trapped with the devil's secret snare---- a minute pleasure that can cover a lasting joy.

It doesn't end there yet...

The next day, I had a conversation class and I shared the activity that I had. They were convinced that smoking is really a harmful thing.
 As my class was over, I accompanied my students as they waited for their father to fetch the three of them. As their father got out from the car, her daughter noticed that he was holding a cigarette, she immediately told her father to stop and throw it. "Father, you know that teacher had an anti-smoking campaign yesterday...", she added and her other sisters agreed as well.  The father smiled a bit and threw it away. And so, I just smiled back and bade good-bye to them.

At the same moment, I realized that being a teacher is a noble one--- you can touch, influence and mold young minds. What you shared and taught to the students will always persist in them. So, contimue to inspire and teach  the things that are appropriate and helpful for them.

I was grateful once again that I personally witness the impact of teaching the importance of caring one's health to my students--- and  I hope that I can share more that will hone them to  be a better person.

Never stop setting as an exanple to others because who knows maybe a certain life was change because of you. I wanted to share this passage found in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." (NIV)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer Escapade in Samcheok Part 1

"A stark summer time indites with cool ocean breeze,
aplomb wind under a tree, and a grub for all."

July 30, 2010, I arrived at Samcheok City to spend a week summer vacation. It took 4 hours from my city going there to my sister Juvy's place. I felt so excited and relaxed that time. I was sure that something great and memorable events await me there. I just wanted to replenish with new memories my lonesome heart. Best fetched me at the bus terminal and we had our late lunch together and spent our time having chitchat.

Palace Tourist Hotel and dinner at Sky Lounge.

Around 6 o'clock in the afternoon, one of my sister's friends invited us for a dinner at Palace Tourist Hotel which is situated atop the cliffs of Donghaean (East Coast) Ocean, giving the impression that the ocean looks more like a large garden. The hotel boasts the ambiance of quiet, pristine nature. We had dinner in Sky Lounge and we were entertained with songs by the two Pinoy singers working there. What a wonderful time we had and a slaked dinner.

Sunrise and bonding with sister at Samcheok Beach.
July 31, Saturday afternoon, my eldest sister arrived in Samcheok as well. 'Twas a wonderful reunion of us. That night, we went to the beach--- Samcheok Beach, Located 1.4 kilometers away from the downtown area, Samcheok Beach is easily accessible and has a vast white-sand beach that is 1.2 kilometers long and 100 meters wide. Its clean white sand and shallow waters make it even more mesmerizing especially in hot summer days. Its beautiful natural environment has also made it a favorite filming location for Korean movies and dramas. The movie April snow, One fine spring day, and drama South of the sun were filmed here. The beach has a unique beauty and ambience in every season.

Beaches from my city way back in Phil. got in my mind (literally, I can smell it.).

'Twas a memorable weekend that I have. 

Perfect! Awesome! Wonderful!
Taken at Wishing Tower and Marine Deck
We went as well to the Wishing Tower and Marine Deck just along the drive course. I really enjoyed the scenery despite of the brightness of the sun.. Thanks Best Juvy and Kuya Bal Dev for accommodating us, and to Bessy Jern as well for the great time. Until next time...

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Frolic at Seoul National University(SNU)

Friday, 20th day August at around 4:00 pm, my sister Juvy and I went to Seoul National University to meet brother Bal Dev, whose having a research exhibit in his department.
Latin: Universitas Nationalis Seulensis
Motto: Veritas lux mea
(Latin, literal translation: "The truth is my light".
 non-literal: "The truth enlightens me".)

SNU is colloquially known in Korean as Seoul-dae (서울대), is a national research university in Seoul, Korea, ranked 24th in the world in publications in an analysis of data from the Science Citation Index and 47th in the world and 7th in Asia by the 2009 THE-QS World University Rankings.

Founded in 1946, Seoul National University was the first national university in South Korea, and served as a model for the many national and public universities in the country. Seoul National University has been recognized for its leading role in Korean academia, and entry into the university is viewed as a ticket to success.

The main gate of Seoul National University, known by its nickname, the Sha (샤) gate. The shape of the gate is formed by the characters ㄱ,ㅅ, ㄷ, the initial letters of its full Korean name (roughly equivalent to 'SNU' in English).

I was astounded as I saw the vast campus, high buildings, and dandy facilities--- everything is provided so that it will promote quality education to the young ones.    An ideal school intended to hone an individual into different facets of life and to prepare them to a competetive world outside the four corners of the university.

I am blessed and thankful that I was able to visit an undisputed most prestigious university in South Korea.
Picture taken at the wide soccer field of SNU with Juvy and Bal.