This happened one Sunday morning with my conversation class---I had 3 students who were non-believers. That was a nice day, the classroom atmosphere was splendid. We talked about what happened in the past week. We enjoyed talking so much until such time that I started our lesson for that day.
Abruptly, one of my students interrupted, "Teacher, we haven't prayed yet."
Just then I realized, I didn't start our class with a prayer that day unlike we usually do every class time. I told them that I forgot it and we started to pray.
Our class ended that day, but still the incident remained in my head. Her reaction was surprising, as i remembered our first class, she was the only one who doesn't like to start and end our class with a prayer because she don't believe in God and for here He didn't exist at all.
I felt sorry of what happened, but one thing came to my mind--- as a molder of young minds, we have a great impact in their lives and even the people that surrounds us. Our actions indicate who we are and our principles in life. We might not tell them about Jesus directly, but in one way or another, we can be a reflection of our Saviour.
So, don't forget to pray, to put God first in everything we do and to set Him as our first priority in life. In this way, we can be able to let our light shine to those souls who are still lingering in darkness.
In Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
With my students---Ashley, Jay, Sandy, Ram, Alex, Jake, and Shy. |
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